Common Sense HealthBringing workplace wellness to new levels
Irish translation for Ciall is common sense, hence a common sense approach to health
Why invest in your employees?


What We Do
We work on improving the health of your bottom line by supporting your employees to take control of their health and wellbeing. Two challenges facing business in Ireland are retaining staff and recruiting the right personnel, therefore keeping qualified and experienced staff is essential for a business to continue to grow. We support you at group and individual level, providing the following corporate health and wellbeing programs and services.
All of these will contribute to an environment where employees can handle daily challenges more effectively, potentially improve the culture within your business and make it less likely that personnel will want to leave. Equally, it has the potential to allow teams within the business to take up the challenge of achieving agreed goals and objectives with increased energy, focus and productivity.
How can we be of help?
Develop & Design your Employee Wellness Programme.
We are your support system. When you have the ideas but not the time, we can create your EWP. We understand the nature of good business, we are discreet at productively changing how your workplace environment feels. We tailor the delivery of our programmes to meet your requirements.

Why Ciall Health?
Ciall Health believes that a healthy and happy workforce is an essential component for a company to continue as a productive and sustainable business. Our goal is to encourage your employees to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, through building strong foundations in what they eat and how they live. Evidence and experience tell us, you can increase your workplace productivity, resilience and strengthen employee’s ability to adapt to change. Your investment and commitment in your employees will ultimately enhance your company’s growth.