
Common Sense HealthBringing workplace wellness to new levels


Irish translation for Ciall is common sense, hence a common sense approach to health

Why invest in your employees?


Healthier Workforce

Healthy workers are more motivated to stay in work, recover from sickness quicker and are at less risk of long term illness.

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Staff Absenteeism & Retention

A study of a large diverse sample concluded that the organisations that had health programmes in place had reduced absenteeism.

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Improved employee performance

It is estimated that for every dollar saved in direct health care costs, employers receive an extra $2.30 in improved performance or productivity.

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How we work forms part of the wider determinants of health and a person’s environment, both of which we can influence beyond biological makeup.

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A happier workforce

Poor eating and exercise habits are impacting not only your employees personal health but also their professional performance, changing the focus in your organisation to employee well-being and the benefits of change are noted immediately.

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A workforce which feels valued

An employee will feel valued if the company actually cares about their best interests.

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What We Do

We work on improving the health of your bottom line by supporting your employees to take control of their health and wellbeing. Two challenges facing business in Ireland are retaining staff and recruiting the right personnel, therefore keeping qualified and experienced staff is essential for a business to continue to grow. We support you at group and individual level, providing the following corporate health and wellbeing programs and services.

All of these will contribute to an environment where employees can handle daily challenges more effectively, potentially improve the culture within your business and make it less likely that personnel will want to leave. Equally, it has the potential to allow teams within the business to take up the challenge of achieving agreed goals and objectives with increased energy, focus and productivity.

How can we be of help?

Develop & Design your Employee Wellness Programme.

We are your support system. When you have the ideas but not the time, we can create your EWP. We understand the nature of good business, we are discreet at productively changing how your workplace environment feels. We tailor the delivery of our programmes to meet your requirements.

Kick Start Breakfasts

Start your day with a focus on healthy eating and lifestyle tips  to improve your performance in work and at home. We can provide a healthy breakfast with recipes and lifestyle ideas to get you started and explain the link between diet, health and mood.

Phased Approaches

At Ciall Health, some of our programmes such as Gut Health can be run as a 6 weekly programme and our personalised nutrition programme can run from 3-4 weeks. We believe a phased approach helps you to adapt to changes that need to be made.

Onsite facilitation

We can offer workshops on site, offsite or online locations, we can accommodate your working day so we are not disrupting it. We are now offering  most popular programmes and workshops as webinars to facilitate those working from home.

Lunch & Learn

We can provide a variety of customised workshops during your lunch hour with a healthy lunch served, that will also facilitate you living and feeling healthy & energised.


Ciall Health provided a talk on Stress and your Digestive Health. While I am very aware of the feeling of stress in my body, it was a really interesting session that provided great insight into how our bodies work and indeed how our digestive system feels the impact of stress. Having learned about foods that impact our digestive system and our stress response has really helped me. However we also gained tips on mindful eating and breathwork techniques, which felt really helpful and easy to use.

From a happy employer

I attended a recent talk by Ciall Health on feeding children and teenagers for parents/caregivers. It was great to hear of different situations in different families, we are all different and what might work for one family might not work for another one. The presenters were down-to-earth, and they provided immediate best practices you can implement at home. Overall the session was very well structured, concise, and informative, I am certainly glad that I made the time to attend.

From a happy employer

The presenters were passionate and knowledgeable, working well with our employees to create a better balance in their approach to diet and lifestyle through simple sustainable changes.

From a happy employer

A partner definitely worth working with

From a happy employer

Has made me think differently regarding balance

Thoughts from enlightened employees

It was a great opportunity to reconnect with positive ideas of balancing lifestyle.

Thoughts from enlightened employees

Has made me think differently regarding balance.

Thoughts from enlightened employees

If you like what you are reading, we are happy to come sit with you. In this initial discovery meeting, we will get an understanding of your hopes and aspirations for the programme and from there we will take the reigns.

Contact Us today

Why Ciall Health?

Ciall Health believes that a healthy and happy workforce is an essential component for a company to continue as a productive and sustainable business. Our goal is to encourage your employees to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, through building strong foundations in what they eat and how they live. Evidence and experience tell us, you can increase your workplace productivity, resilience and strengthen employee’s ability to adapt to change. Your investment and commitment in your employees will ultimately enhance your company’s growth.


From the Articles

Eating more sustainably, some steps to get you started!

Climate change is a global concern but how does what we eat impact on it? We understand now more clearly, the environmental impact and food waste at all stages of food production, from farm to fork. The farming and manufacturing processes used to produce the food we eat, as well as the way we eat and dispose of food is damaging the planet.

Could eating 5-a-day be your one change this year!

The latest Healthy Ireland Report outlines that only 28% of the population eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables each day, a number which unfortunately has continued to decline since 2021. Eating fruit and vegetables is advised within all the dietary guidelines, due to the health benefits that they confer. They are high in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, including bioactive plant compounds, with antioxidant properties such as polyphenols or beta-carotene.

Why should we all be now taking Vitamin D?

For the first time a report published last year from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), examined vitamin D intake in people in Ireland aged between 5 and 65 years. Based on this review it was recommended that as well as intake from food sources, everyone take a vitamin D supplement especially teenagers, pregnant women and people of dark-skinned ethnicity who are at highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.


If you want to be part of a community that is open to sharing and learning from each other so that everyone can benefit, then we would love to see you there. We will share our resources, knowledge and be there to support any questions or ideas you want to tease out.

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