
Eating more sustainably, some steps to get you started!

February 7th, 2025|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

Climate change is a global concern but how does what we eat impact on it? We understand now more clearly, the environmental impact and food waste at all stages of food production, from farm to fork. The farming and manufacturing processes used to produce the food we eat, as well as the way we eat and dispose of food is damaging the planet.

Could eating 5-a-day be your one change this year!

January 9th, 2025|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

The latest Healthy Ireland Report outlines that only 28% of the population eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables each day, a number which unfortunately has continued to decline since 2021. Eating fruit and vegetables is advised within all the dietary guidelines, due to the health benefits that they confer. They are high in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, including bioactive plant compounds, with antioxidant properties such as polyphenols or beta-carotene.

Why should we all be now taking Vitamin D?

December 5th, 2024|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

For the first time a report published last year from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), examined vitamin D intake in people in Ireland aged between 5 and 65 years. Based on this review it was recommended that as well as intake from food sources, everyone take a vitamin D supplement especially teenagers, pregnant women and people of dark-skinned ethnicity who are at highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.

The lowdown on protein!

November 5th, 2024|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

If we were to read some social media posts, protein is all we should be eating, all day every day! Whether it’s a high protein diet, protein supplements or shakes, protein is the proposed solution for weight loss, to build muscle, support joints or indeed preventing Alzheimer’s.

Food and minding your mood!

April 4th, 2024|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

This month I talk through some of the nutrients and dietary patterns that have been linked with our neurological state. Research is growing in the area of nutritional psychiatry, and we are beginning to get a greater understanding of how nutrition affects mental health.

Is going on another diet really the best for our health long-term?

December 31st, 2023|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

Diet culture is ingrained in our daily lives, and this culture is often supported by social media seeking for us all to fit into an ideal aesthetic. In this month’s blog we look at diets, their sustainability, the mindset they create and how using a slow and steady approach in adopting health promoting behaviours is better for our wellbeing and health outcomes.

What steps can you take to nourish yourself this December?

December 5th, 2023|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress|

As we move through the final weeks of the year, many of us are tired and very much looking forward to having some downtime over the Christmas. However, we still have a few weeks to go, and this time can often be the most stressful with present lists, parties, family events and school plays to get through just to mention a few!

A Focus on Diet and Men’s Health!

November 2nd, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Nutrition|

Did you know that men in Ireland have a shorter life expectancy than women! In 2021, life expectancy at birth for women was about 84.1 years, while life expectancy at birth for men was about 80.2 years on average, nearly 4 years less (1). The top three causes of death in 2022 were malignant neoplasms (cancer), diseases of the heart and arteries (cardiovascular disease (CVD)) and then lung diseases (2). This month’s blog is a focus on men’s health and how their diet can help improve outcomes for some of the key challenges men face.

Eating well for Menopause and beyond!

October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

Do you find that in times of stress, your diet is one of the first things to suffer! Contrary to what we might think, stress is normal and so is our body’s psychological and physical reaction to it! Indeed, research shows us that a small amount of stress can be good for us and gets us motivated to get stuff done. It improves memory, is beneficial to performance and motivation, and activates the immune system.

Three healthy eating habits to carry with you on holidays

July 2nd, 2023|Categories: Article, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

Over a third of all adults in Ireland (36%) say that they regularly suffer from stress. Many are working more hours and taking less time off, and in turn we are hearing of various mental and physical health challenges. When work is overwhelming and your work-life balance feels out of whack, it’s time to take the holiday and embrace every moment of it so that you can literally soak up all those health benefits.

5 tips to improve energy for your working day!

May 5th, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

5 tips to improve energy for your working day! We all have days where our energy in on the floor and we are not as productive as others. Though for some this can be more than a day and can stretch out into weeks or more. Rushing through meals, eating less nutrient dense food, snacking late into the night combined with increased stress levels have all become typical habits of how we now live, all of which contribute to low energy levels.

How to manage the impact of stress with your nutrition!

April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress|

How to manage the impact of stress with your nutrition! Stress is a normal part of life and our body’s reaction can be through physical, mental and/or emotional changes. Stress has many causes, and it creeps into our lives from many directions including our work.  However, our reactions and its impact will differ based on our genetics, our own circumstances, our environment, and life experiences.

Is there a link between sleep and what we eat?

March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress|

It's hard to imagine that we spend one-third of our life sleeping and that it's as essential to our life as eating, drinking and breathing are. It’s often one of the lifestyle recommendations we are asked to consider. Mainly because most of us for one reason or another, are not getting enough of it! Indeed a lack of sleep can lead to health problems.  We need sleep for the brain and body to rest, recharge and do much-needed repair. Chronic lack of sleep can increase the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression (1). Research also shows that reduced sleep impacts our food intake, which may explain why many of us crave more caffeine and fatty, sweet, and salty foods!

Why focusing on smaller changes to your diet could be a better approach for your health!

February 6th, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

How many of us have tried (maybe even several times) to eat healthy at the start of a new week or month, only to get a few days in and find its not sustainable! Making smaller changes in our diet, allowing a nudge towards a modification in our behaviour, is often easier to do consistently and can in the longer-term give better results. However, here are many reasons why even making smaller changes can be difficult. From the constant marketing of foods that are nutrient poor, to the challenge of restricting certain foods to then craving them even more and in some cases overeating. To the fact that we are all individuals, and our needs are not the same as others, due to our gender, genetics, metabolism and lifestyle to name a few. So here are a few areas to consider, so that you can start to make smaller changes in your diet towards a healthier lifespan.

How to eat healthy on a budget until your next pay day!

January 9th, 2023|Categories: Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|

It's January and for many it’s a new beginning of what we will do differently and better this year. It’s also when the reality sinks in of Christmas overspending and the challenge of how we get to pay day at the end of January. No matter what your situation, most of us will feel some level of need to cut back this month. However how we eat does not have to be one of them and indeed eating well on a budget can be done!

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