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A Focus on Diet and Men’s Health!

Did you know that men in Ireland have a shorter life expectancy than women! In 2021, life expectancy at birth for women was about 84.1 years, while life expectancy at birth for men was about 80.2 years on average, nearly 4 years less (1). The top three causes of death in 2022 were malignant neoplasms (cancer), diseases of the heart and arteries (cardiovascular disease (CVD)) and then lung diseases (2). This month’s blog is a focus on men’s health and how their diet can help improve outcomes for some of the key challenges men face.

By |2024-10-16T11:05:06+01:00November 2nd, 2023|Article, Employee Wellbeing, Nutrition|0 Comments

Eating well for Menopause and beyond!

Do you find that in times of stress, your diet is one of the first things to suffer! Contrary to what we might think, stress is normal and so is our body’s psychological and physical reaction to it! Indeed, research shows us that a small amount of stress can be good for us and gets us motivated to get stuff done. It improves memory, is beneficial to performance and motivation, and activates the immune system.

By |2024-10-16T11:06:29+01:00October 3rd, 2023|Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|0 Comments

5 tips to improve energy for your working day!

5 tips to improve energy for your working day! We all have days where our energy in on the floor and we are not as productive as others. Though for some this can be more than a day and can stretch out into weeks or more. Rushing through meals, eating less nutrient dense food, snacking late into the night combined with increased stress levels have all become typical habits of how we now live, all of which contribute to low energy levels.

By |2023-07-02T16:06:23+01:00May 5th, 2023|Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition|0 Comments

How to manage the impact of stress with your nutrition!

How to manage the impact of stress with your nutrition! Stress is a normal part of life and our body’s reaction can be through physical, mental and/or emotional changes. Stress has many causes, and it creeps into our lives from many directions including our work.  However, our reactions and its impact will differ based on our genetics, our own circumstances, our environment, and life experiences.

By |2024-12-03T12:36:59+00:00April 3rd, 2023|Article, Employee Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress|0 Comments